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Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Religious Education the year prior to beginning the Confirmation Preparation Program.  If the student was not enrolled in Religious Education classes the year prior, students will be enrolled in our Pre-Confirmation class before beginning Confirmation Preparation.


Pre-Confirmation (Grade 6 through HS)  – (Book: The Life of Grace).  Students learn about their Christian life of love, the law of God, their human frailty in following that law and means that God gives them to follow His law especially through graces received in the Holy Mass.  By focusing the study of salvation history on typology in the Passover Feast and the Last Supper, the students are brought to a deeper understanding of the Eucharist.  The Pre-Confirmation curriculum concludes with a study of the last things in light of God’s mercy and our hope for heaven and prepares them for entering the Confirmation Program.  Prerequisite Class to Confirmation Program.

Required Prayers (in English):  The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostle’s Creed, Act of Contrition, Ten Commandments

Additional Requirements:  10 Service Hours; Saint Paper


Non-Sacramental Catechism Classes – This is a continuation of Confirmation I.  In addition to the above, preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation will include a Confirmation Retreat in which we focus on evangelization and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the mission Christ calls us to in their journey of faith.

Required Prayers (in English):  The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostle’s Creed, Act of Contrition, Ten Commandments


  • Grade 3 – (Book: Our Life with Jesus).  Through studying the development of salvation history, students become immersed in the life of Jesus and develop a deeper understanding God’s loving plan and of how they are a part of His plan. Special emphasis on the importance of Confession, Communion and the Mass. Required Prayers (in English):  The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostle’s Creed, Act of Contrition, Ten Commandments


  • Grade 4 – (Book: Jesus our Guide).  Through studying the development of salvation history, students come to a better understand of God, His plan for man and our relationship with God.  Students develop a better understanding of their purpose and goal in life and a deeper appreciation for the Church as the very means that God has given us on our pilgrimage to heaven. Required Prayers (in English):  The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostle’s Creed, Act of Contrition, Ten Commandments


  • Grade 5 – (Book:  Credo: I Believe).  Through studying the Creed and the development of salvation history, students are immersed in the Profession of Faith.  They develop a deeper understanding of each component of the Creed as it is part of salvation. Required Prayers (in English):  The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostle’s Creed, Act of Contrition, Ten Commandments



Kindergarten Catechism Class – This is a continuation of Confirmation I.  In addition to the above, preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation will include a Confirmation Retreat in which we focus on evangelization and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the mission Christ calls us to in their journey of faith.

Required Prayers (in English):  The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostle’s Creed, Act of Contrition, Ten Commandments



Children's Worship for Preschool – This is a continuation of Confirmation I.  In addition to the above, preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation will include a Confirmation Retreat in which we focus on evangelization and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the mission Christ calls us to in their journey of faith.

Required Prayers (in English):  The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostle’s Creed, Act of Contrition, Ten Commandments




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